E-Insight Digital Marketing Blog: Mobile Marketing

15 Essential Apps For Digital Marketers

24 September 2018, Ben Blackler

What does an app have to do to get onto the first screen of your phone? We’d imagine it would have to be something you’d want or need to use daily – at least. Take a look at 15 apps we think tick that box for the digital marketer.

Slack mobile app

How To Get Your Mobile Content Strategy Into Tip Top Shape

5 December 2016, Anne Caborn

Mobile Content Strategy
We all know that mobile content delivery now rules the digital roost, but adapting your content process to the new landscape isn’t just a question of size and shape, but how your idea generation, content creation, sign-off and even csuite buy-in adapt in harmony.

Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Explained

18 August 2016, Jonathan Saipe

AMP in Google SERPs
Back in October 2015, Google’s announced Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), its open source initiative. Since then, it has quickly gained traction among many major publishers and technology partners.

Find out more about AMP, why Google created it, what it looks like to consumers and how to implement, test and measure it.

UK Audiences Prefer Mobiles For Internet Access

21 July 2015, Jonathan Saipe

In the UK, ComScore reported on how UK audiences are using mobiles, desktops or combinations of the two. They revealed that mobile devices account for 56% of the time spent on the Internet. And whilst over 72% of the 47 million large UK digital audience accesses the Internet via more than one device, only 23% exclusively use desktops, versus 5% on mobiles.

Mobilegeddon: Is It All About The Money?

23 April 2015, Mark Brill

MobilegeddonGoogle has a problem with mobile.

That might sound like a strange statement to make. After all, the search business has been a strong exponent of the ‘mobile first’ approach. They also own the most popular smartphone OS, Android, and they have the most widely used apps on all platforms.

Their problem, though, is one of money….

Your Customers Are Mobile Ready, But Are You?

4 November 2014, Anne Caborn

Responsive design

Anne Caborn, digital content strategist at Emarketeers offers some top tips for assessing you and your team’s mobile savviness.

5 Ideas To Kick Start Your Mobile Content Strategy

9 May 2014, Anne Caborn

Mobile content strategy

If you’re developing digital content for your organisation, you will need to consider your content strategy over a growing range of platforms and mobile devices. Take a look at 5 key concepts to help further develop your mobile content strategy.

M-Commerce: Converting Browsers To Buyers On Mobile

28 February 2014, Jonathan Saipe

mobile commerceDuring this free lunchtime webinar, Steffane Aquarone reveals the very latest thinking around mobile apps and m-commerce, discussing the business case for m-commerce, how to encourage consumers to purchase on mobiles and issues around gathering customer data.

10 Ways To Improve Your M-Commerce Performance

18 November 2013, Steff Aquarone

mcommerceWith mobile commerce showing no signs of abating, retailers are becoming increasingly aware of the opportunities m-commerce offers. Take a look at 10 ways to improve your mcommerce performance.

5 Important Questions To Underpin Your Mobile Strategy

4 September 2013, Rob Thurner

Mobile marketingWith mobile’s huge appeal with consumers, now is the time to consider your mobile marketing strategy.  Rob Thurner, Emarketeers’ Mobile Marketing guru, highlights 5 questions to answer in order to create a successful mobile marketing strategy.