E-Insight Digital Marketing Blog: Writing For The Web

5 Ways To Strengthen Your Brand’s Tone Of Voice

21 April 2015, Andy Rigden

Brand tone of voice
These days almost every business has its own voice. No one now doubts that language is as important to a brand as its logo or its colour palette. Charities and colleges, as well as companies of all sizes, now invest time thinking about how they write, not just what they say.

6 Modern SEO Concepts Copywriters Should Action

10 June 2014, Jonathan Saipe

Redefining SEO copywritingOver the past 10 years, SEO copywriting has evolved hugely, with old school techniques replaced by newer customer-focussed ones.

Take a look at 6 modern SEO concepts will impact your content planning and copywriting.

3 “Hidden” Google Tools For Digital Pros

28 August 2013, Jonathan Saipe

Google search toolsThe majority of people using Google on a day to day basis know little about the additional search tools it offers to enhance the findability of content. We’ve highlighted 3 “hidden” Google tools to make your search experience even richer.

Measuring Click Through Rate (CTR) in Google SERPS

20 April 2010, Jonathan Saipe

Google has recently made improvements to how its Webmaster Tools report on impressions and click through rates (CTR) in search engine results pages. This data is crucial in measuring the effectiveness of your website metadata as well as the number of impressions you receive according to each keyword or keyphrase.

Times and Sunday Times Online Move To Subscription Model

27 March 2010, Jonathan Saipe

Times Online logoNews International announced that The Times Online and Sunday Times Online will be moving to a paywall model for all of its online content as of June 2010.

SEO Copywriting: The Write Way To Build A Website

9 April 2009, Jonathan Saipe

Who should be involved from the start when building or refreshing a website? A web designer? A programmer? An information architect? Mark Owen, multi-talented copywriter at i do words, talks about the “write” way to approach web builds.

Improving Conversion Efficiency When Writing For The Web

20 March 2009, Jonathan Saipe

Whilst writing search optimised copy is crucial in improving search rank, one cannot ignore the conversion efficiency of certain words once the visitor has arrived at our website. Read our E-Insight report on the concept of “care words” versus search words, and how to monitor and increase the engagement of visitors arriving from search engines.

Spelling Mistakes and SEO Strategy

4 March 2009, Jonathan Saipe

To err is human and that includes search engine users entering misspelled search terms. So how does this affect the way our websites perform in SERPs? And should we be factoring this into our writing for the web?

The Homonym Effect on SEO: “iPhone 3G Crack”

1 December 2008, Jonathan Saipe

iPhone 3G Crack: Homonyms and SEOIf you’re ever wondering why your web analytics is showing a massive spike in traffic, it could be to do with the “homonym effect” in SEO. Read more about this search engine optmisation factor as well as a real life example I came across literally minutes ago.

Writing for the Web: The Importance of Synonyms

20 November 2008, Jonathan Saipe

writing for the webWhen writing for the web, an online copywriter cannot afford to ignore the deployment of synonyms within on-page copy, links and site metadata. Read more about the importance of synonyms as an online copywriting strategy.